If you notice a charge from Airtasker on your credit card or bank statement that you don't recognise, here are a couple of questions to consider that might help clarify things:
- Do you share a credit/debit card with a family member or friend?
- Does anyone you know have access to your credit/debit card details?
If so, it might be a good idea to check in with them. They could have posted a task and might help you figure out the charge.
- Have you recently cancelled a task? You can take a look at your Airtasker account history for any tasks you may have cancelled. Just a reminder that when a Customer accepts an offer from a Tasker, the payment is taken right away and held securely in Airtasker Pay until the task is done. If the task is cancelled, the payment will be refunded to your original payment method.
- Have there been any recent changes to your payment method? We only charge the card associated with your Airtasker account at the time a task is assigned. If you've updated your payment method, that new card will only be charged for new tasks. For tasks assigned before the update, payments will still come from the old card.
If you're still unsure about the charge, please reach out to us so we can help verify it. To assist us in locating the transaction, please provide the following information:
- Payment Date
- Last 4 digits of the card used (Please don’t share your full card or bank account information to keep your privacy safe)
- Payment Reference Number - this is a code generated when a payment is processed from Airtasker, linked directly to the posted task. It will look something like: AIRTASKER*12345678X
- A screenshot of your card statement showing the unrecognised transaction
- Any additional information you think might help
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