Star Ratings, Reviews and Completion Rates are based on the performance history of users on Airtasker and allow us to ensure a positive experience for both Customers and Taskers.
Star Ratings ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
- Overall Star Rating:
Along with written reviews, star ratings provide a simple way for Taskers to share their feedback with you. Your overall star rating is out of 5 and is determined by averaging all the reviews and stars you've received from previous tasks. Taskers consider various factors when rating your tasks, such as communication, reliability, how accurately the job was described, and the quality of the work done, among others. It’s a mutual process, so being friendly, professional, and communicating clearly can help create a positive experience for everyone involved! - Tasker Quality Rating:
You, as the Customer, have the option to rate your Tasker on 4 specific qualities: Communication, Punctuality, Eye for detail, and Efficiency. While this rating doesn't affect your overall star rating, it can help other Customers understand how the Tasker performs in areas that might be important to them.
Completion Rate: 💯
This is a measure of reliability and indicates the percentage of tasks completed out of all the tasks you assigned. Only cancellations caused by you will affect your completion rate. The completion rate will only be displayed once you’ve assigned 5 or more tasks. Airtasker values completion rates highly, as we understand how crucial it is to find someone dependable for getting tasks done! Any Tasker with a consistently low completion rate may be removed from the platform.
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